The following information include the statutorily required data regarding provider identification as well as the legal notes on the web site of the company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH (,
The legal provider of this web site is the company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH, Lechstr. 13-15, 86931 Prittriching, Germany, telephone: +49(0)8206/96240, fax: +49(0)8206/962429, e-mail: , web:
The company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH is registered in the trade register of the Local Court of Augsburg with the number HRB16865.
The company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH is legally represented by its managing director Marcus Triebel.
The sales tax identification number (UStID) of the company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH is: DE198591077.
The managing director Marcus Triebel (e-mail: ) has editorial responsibility regarding the web site of the company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH.
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The company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH is a German “Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung” [limited liability company].
The company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH strives to ensure correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided on this website. Nevertheless, errors and lack of clarity cannot be excluded at all. Thus, the company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH does not guarantee up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness or quality of the provided information. The company Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH is not liable for material or immaterial damage directly or indirectly suffered on account of utilisation or non-utilisation of the provided information and/or utilisation of erroneous or incomplete information, unless the company is proven wilful misconduct or grossly negligent behaviour. The same applies to downloads of provided free software.